Legal Nigeria

Police vow to arrest Ekiti daylight bank robbers

The Ekiti State Police Commissioner,  Ogundare Dare, says the armed robbers who operated at two banks in the state during the daytime on Wednesday, would be arrested.

The armed robbers had stormed the banks at Ikere-Ekiti at about 4:30pm. They were said to have blown the doors open with dynamites and made away with cash.  Three people were also suspected to have been killed in the attacks.

A statement released by the Ekiti Police Command on Wednesday, said:  “While commiserating with the family members of those who were fatally affected and wishing those currently receiving treatment in the hospital a quick recovery, the commissioner calls for calm and implores everyone to go about their lawful businesses as the command will not rest until the hoodlums are made to face the full wrath of the law.

“Meanwhile, the command’s tactical squads as well as the military who were deployed to the scene immediately information was received, engaged the hoodlums who abandoned the three vehicles and two motorcycles they used for the operation and escaped into the bush.

“The vehicles and motorcycles were recovered to the station.

“The commissioner enjoins anyone with useful information concerning the identities and/or whereabouts of armed hoodlums to contact following GSM numbers: 08062335577, 07031620186, 08033470524, 07032152150, 09064050086