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New Era Girls Secondary School Lagos marks 75th anniversary in grand style

When seven visionary ladies came together in 1948 to found New Era College, now known as New Era Girls Secondary School in Surulere Lagos to groom and nurture young girls little did they know they were planting a seed on a very fertile ground. However, 75 years on, in spite of the numerous challenges the school has faced, it has like the proverbial mustard seed grown to provide shelter and a platform for educational success and intellectual development not just for the students but also contribute to the growth and development of the country in several ramifications.

The ladies who put their resources together to birth that vision were Lady Kofoworola Ademola, Lady Oyinkan Abayomi, Lady Lande Bank Anthony, Lady Ayo Alakija, Chief (Mrs) Remi Doherty, Chief (Mrs) Jumoke Sagoe and Mrs Abiodun Alade.

A post humous award for the late Lady Kofoworola Ademola, received by her son, Mr Gboyega Ademola
A post humous award for the late Lady Kofoworola Ademola, received by her son, Mr Gboyega Ademola

Though the distinguished ladies are no longer around to witness how the seed they planted has flourished, their legacies live on and their immortality is indeed etched in the sands of time. It was for this singular reason that the New Era Girls Secondary School Alumni Association, made up of distinguished ladies who have excelled in different fields of endeavour converged on the school premises to celebrate not just its 75th anniversary but also the rich history and achievements of the school between 17 and 19 November 2023.

Still, as part of activities marking the anniversary of the three-day fiesta, an ultra-modern hall of international standard, which the alumni renovated was commissioned and named after Lady Kofoworola Ademola, one of the founding mothers who also happened to be the pioneer principal of the school from 1948 to 1959 on Friday 17 November.

A post humous award presented to the family of the late Lady Oyinkan Abayomi , for her contribution as founding member of New Era Girls Secondary School

It was indeed an afternoon of memories, nostalgia, tributes, music, dance and laughter. It was an afternoon of appreciation and thanksgiving. It was also an afternoon for intergenerational bridge building, as both the old students, whom one of the members of the alumni association jokingly referred to as recycled teenagers and current ones interfaced and rubbed minds.

A very significant part of the celebration was that two of the pioneer students who are in their 90s, Mrs Folashade Thomas Fahm and Justice (retd) Titi Mabogunje also graced the occasion. Some descendants of the founding mothers were also present and given due recognition as they sat at the high table. Current students of both the senior and junior schools present also added some vibes to the occasion with their drama presentations and dance.

Post Humous Award for the late Chief Mrs Olajumoke Kwoe Sagoe

Mrs Adenike Bankole, National President New Era Girls Secondary School Alumni Association set the ball rolling with a well-delivered welcome address. However, she started her speech by asking that the guests present to observe a five-minute silence for all the departed founders and old students of the school.

“We can only imagine how daring, courageous and audacious the founders were to have envisioned a school to groom and nurture young girls back then in 1948 …The founders have all departed but their legacies endure and continue to flourish because as long as NEGSS exists it will always be traced to their vision.

“This is so aptly captured in the saying by Kalu Ndukwe Kalu: ‘The things you do for yourself are gone when you are gone, but the things you do for others remain as your legacy.” NEGSS is what the departed matriarchs did for us and it’s enduring till today. It’s a gift that has kept on giving and for this, we are eternally thankful.

A post homous award for the late Lady Ayo Alakija for her contribution as a founding member of New Era Girls Secondary School

“To all alumni here present I ask that you all stand up for recognition. Today would not have been possible without your support in all ramifications. You are always willing to give of yourself for the cause of the school either in cash or in kind. Thank you and God bless us all.

“For the current students, you have an opportunity today to see how visions can transform lives. You’re here today because 75 years ago some young ladies dared to dream. So our charge to you is to keep the banner flying high. Be good ambassadors of the school and make us proud everywhere you go. Your dreams are valid. As alumni, we will partner with Lagos State to ensure that your learning experience is enriched always.

“For our teachers and principals, we say thank you for nurturing these ones that have been committed into your care. As always we are here to support your efforts,” Mrs Bankole said.

A family Rep of the late Chief Mrs Remi Doherty accepting the post humous award from the Hon Commissioner, Mr Jamiu Balogun

In his speech, the Commissioner for Basic and Secondary Education in Lagos State, Mr Jamiu Alli-Balogun, after extolling the virtues of the founders of the school and praising them for their determination, resilience and focus, promised on behalf of the state government to relocate the senior arm of the school to a virgin land in Surulere.

“I can see from the vision of the founders their determination, resilience and focus on developing girls education. Because it is very important to guide our girls jealously and then plan a road map for their future. And on behalf of the Lagos State Government, I want to say thank you to all members of the old students association of this school for the courage, determination and endless time and resources that they commit to not only nurturing education but also monitoring the progress of students in this school. I really appreciate you all.

“The president of the alumni association has identified one of the challenges you are facing, and that has to do with the limited landscape. And I promised her that we would look into that. We are going to make it happen and we are going to find you a virgin land within Surulere, where we can move the secondary school so that only the junior school will occupy this place

“I want to thank you for coming up with resources to forge ahead, nurturing not only the students but also maintaining the structure and then the determination to also build other schools if we really allocate the land. I want to thank you all. And I would like others to replicate this great move,” Mr Alli-Balogun maintained.

Mrs Dopeju Otu Meze, Mrs Toyin Machado Onanuga and Mrs Funmi Cecilia Adedokun 74-79 set of New Era Girls Secondary School, Lagos
Mrs Dopeju Otu Meze, Mrs Toyin Machado Onanuga and Mrs Funmi Cecilia Adedokun 74-79 set of New Era Girls Secondary School, Lagos

While reading the history of the school, Mrs Yetunde Akinloye, an old student, said the school, which had an initial intake of just 24 students has grown in leaps and bounds to about 2300 students. Yet according to her, the explosion in the population of the students has not been matched by the provision of necessary infrastructure.

“The school suffered some setbacks in 1987 when it lost some of its land for government expansion and rebuilt of the Teslim Balogun Stadium. Also, the explosion in the population of students has not been matched by the provision of necessary infrastructure. In 1989 when the Federal Government policy on education the 6334 was introduced, the school was segmented into junior and senior schools, with separate buildings as we know it today. But God has been very good to the school and for that, we are very thankful.

“Over the years its old girls have been a rallying point and a pillar of support. The school is now a public school of choice as the students are academically outstanding both in external and internal examinations and win effortlessly laurels at various competitions even in sports in the state and nationwide.

“The excellent performance of the students facilitated the approval of the old girls’ request to the state government to upgrade the senior arm of the school to a model girls secondary secondary school. This request obviously has been granted,” Mrs Akinloye averred.

Section of Old Students of New Era Girls Secondary School
Section of Old Students of New Era Girls Secondary School

Mrs Yetunde Adeniran, principal of the senior arm of the school, was also full of praise for the old students in her goodwill message, describing them as an inspiring force. She also, on behalf of the staff, students and parents of NEGSS, congratulated them for completing the renovation of the school hall and for naming it after Lady Kofoworola Ademola.

“The old Girls Association has been an inspiring force to New Era Schools and its students. Their willingness to dedicate their time and resources has shown the students what it is like to achieve their goals and reinvest in the school and community has played a part in their education and success in life. Their support to the school in the form of scholarships to deserving students and career talks has armed the students with the tools that they need to achieve their goals and endeavours in life.

“On behalf of the staff, students and parents of New Era Girls Secondary School I congratulate the old girls on the successful completion of the renovation of the school hall which will lead with world-class standards. Apart from renovating the school hall, it has also been named after one of the founding members, Lady Kofoworola Ademola as a posthumous honour,” Mrs Adeniran noted.

Cross Section of Students of New Era Girls Secondary School
Cross Section of Students of New Era Girls Secondary School

Mrs Esther Olufunmilayo Adekoya, Principal of the junior arm of the school, for her part, also celebrated the old students for the marvellous work they are doing for their alma mater.

“As we celebrate this significant milestone, we fondly remember the countless memories and experiences that have shaped our school’s history. It is with great pride that we acknowledge the achievements and successes of our old students, who have gone on to make significant contributions in various areas of the school.

“Your time at our school has played a pivotal role in shaping the individuals you have become today. The knowledge, values and skills impacted during your years here have undoubtedly made a strong foundation for your personal and professional growth.

“We are immensely grateful for the continued support and engagement of our old students. Your involvement in various initiatives, mentorship programmes and alumni networks has greatly enriched the lives of our current students and contributed to the overall development of our school.

“As we look towards the future, we are excited to further strengthen the bond between our school and its esteemed old students. We invite you to actively participate in our upcoming events, share your expertise and continue to inspire the next generation of students,” Mrs Adekoya said.

The President, New Era Girls Secondary School Alumnae Association, Mrs Adenike Bankole speaking at the event
The President, New Era Girls Secondary School Alumnae Association, Mrs Adenike Bankole speaking at the event

Still, another significant aspect of the anniversary celebration came when one of the descendants of Lady Kofoworola Ademola gave a goodwill message on behalf of all the family representatives of the founding mothers of the school. She congratulated the old students for building on the foundation stone of the pioneers, which, according to her, was the best way to honour them and keep their memory. She also pointed out that that was a laudable achievement, given all the adverse prevailing forces in the educational sector in the country. She thanked them and the school for naming the renovated hall after Lady Kofoworola Ademola.

“Memories can be short in many instances and nowadays it is usually those presently or recently holding high government positions or who are termed as the moneyed elites that are so honoured in various places. So, thank you New Era Secondary School Lagos for your unwavering commitment to remembering your roots on your 75th anniversary. And we look forward to be invited in 25 years time,” she noted.

Some high points of the event also came when the Commissioner for Basic and Secondary Education in Lagos State, Mr Jamiu Alli-Balogun presented plaques to some outstanding individuals. They included: Lady Lande Bank Anthony, the Late Mrs Abiodun Alade, the Late Chief (Mrs) Remi Doherty and Lady Oyinkansola Abayomi.The old students also had photo sessions with the President of the alumni association, Mrs Adenike Bankole at the cake stand set by set.

The newly commissioned Lady Kofoworola Aina Ademola Multipurpose School Hall
The newly commissioned Lady Kofoworola Aina Ademola Multipurpose School Hall

It was indeed a momentous event. And it came to a glorious end when Mrs Bankole who had earlier admonished the students to take that day to see how visions can transform lives asked them to take to the dance floor. And the hall was set on fire as the students, decked in their brilliant uniforms, sang and danced to the rhythm of the latest afrobeats music being dished out back to back by the deejay.

The BOT Members

“You’re here today because 75 years ago some young ladies dared to dream. So our charge to you is to keep the banner flying high. Be good ambassadors of the school and make us proud everywhere you go. Your dreams are valid. As alumni we will partner with Lagos state to ensure that your learning experience is enriched always,” Mrs Bankole had earlier charged the students.

Of course, that must have sunk, as they gave the latest dance moves feverishly. And indeed what a momentous way to conclude an event celebrating vision, glory, excellence and achievement. What a long-lasting intergenerational bridge that was built on that glorious day.

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credit: PM News