Legal Nigeria

Joyce Oduah FICMC Sends Heartfelt Goodwill to NBA Onitsha Branch for Annual Law Week and Dinner

Highly esteemed members of the Nigerian Bar Association, Onitsha Branch

I heartily extend my congratulations to you on your Annual Week 2023. The selected theme, “Ensuring the Rule of Law in a Flawed Judicial and Political Environment highlights the crucial role that legal practitioners play in ensuring the rule of law despite the lapses in Nigeria’s judicial and political climate. As guardians of justice, our role extends far beyond legal representation; it encompasses the preservation of the very foundation upon which our society is built—the rule of law

I congratulate the Chairman, Executives and the Law Week Planning Committee for selecting a theme that significantly impacts justice in our nation. I have high hopes that the Law Week/Dinner will serve as a forum for stimulating discussions and intellectual growth.

May this event encourage us all to work collaboratively towards advocating for the observance of the rule of law and promoting positive societal changes.

Congratulations to the NBA Onitsha Branch.

With warm regards,

Joyce Oduah FICMC

Principal Partner Joyce & Okey Oduah LP

Vice President West Africa Pan African Lawyers’ Union (PALU)

Imm. Past General Secretary Nigerian Bar Association (NBA)

Fmr. Council Member International Bar Association (IBA)